Pet emergency

How to recognise a pet emergency

Has your pet ever needed urgent care? Of course, this is a situation we hope we’ll never face. However, recognising a pet emergency is an essential part of getting your four-legged friend the help he or she needs. In its simplest terms, a pet emergency is any situation in which your pet requires immediate veterinary [...]

2021-06-11T16:12:34+10:00By |Tags: , |0 Comments

Pet emergency. What to do?

Ever come across a snake on a path in the bush? What do you do? Eeek, panic, freeze. Or stop, review and take precautionary steps.The key to remember in a pet emergency – your pet has swallowed something dangerous, got into a fight, has something stuck in his throat, hit by a car - is [...]

2017-10-01T12:41:05+11:00By |Tags: |0 Comments
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