Q. How do I make a claim?

A. The easiest and quickest way to claim is to sign up to our Manage Policy portal – where you can submit (upload) your claim documents and check it’s progressYou can also complete and submit (mail or email) a Petsecure claim form. You and your vet will need to complete the appropriate sections on the form. (We suggest you print off and take the form to your vet when you have treatment). Then just send your completed claim form together with all original itemised invoices and payment receipts to:

Claims Department
Locked Bag 9021
Castle Hill, NSW 1765

or email:


Q. For ongoing treatment, do I need to wait until the treatment has finished before I can make a claim?

A. No, you don’t need to wait. You can make a claim at any time.

Q. What if I need to make a claim when I’m on holiday?

A. You can make a claim even on holiday. Just follow the normal claim request by downloading a claim form and mail all relevant original documents to us.

Q. How long do I have to wait before making a claim?

A. There is no waiting period for accident claims – you can claim as soon as your policy is effective. A 30-day waiting period applies for illness claims. A six month waiting period applies for cruciate conditions unless your vet certifies that no cruciate conditions exist on joining.   There is no time limit to submitting a claim for your pet.

Q. What is the most I can claim?

A. If you choose Accident Cover you can claim up to $8,000 per year. If you choose Accident and Illness Cover you can claim up to $12,000 per year.

Q. Do you always need medical records to process my claims?

A. Yes, please attach only original itemised invoices and payment receipts. This will help us process your claim quickly and accurately.

Q. How long do I have to submit a claim after my pet has had treatment?

A.  Our claims procedure has recently been changed which means you no longer need to submit your claims within 90 days of treatment.  There is no time limit to submitting a claim for your pet.

Q. Can I visit any vet?

A. Yes, you can visit any vet (other than yourself) that is licensed to legally practice as a veterinarian in Australia. Please note, although it is rare, if expenses incurred by you with respect to the Treatment significantly exceed what is reasonable and expected, having regard to the circumstances in which the Treatment was provided, then claim payments may be adjusted to the amount of reasonable and expected expenses.

Q. Can I get pre-approval for a claim?

A.  If your Pet requires treatment, you can seek a claim pre-approval, whereby we can provide you with the details of your claim reimbursement. To request a pre-approval, simply call us on 1300 855 160.