Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to showing others how much you love them! It is a day full of chocolates, flowers, love, and plenty of dangerous things that your pets should avoid. Keep your pets safe this Valentine’s Day by reading our list of dangers to your four-legged friend!

  • Keep the flowers close to your heart

Flowers are a classic Valentine’s Day present, and lilies are a popular choice for bouquets. Although they are pretty, they present a huge health risk for your pet if ingested. Lilies can be one of the deadliest flowers you can bring into your home as an animal owner. These flowers can cause mild gastrointestinal upset in dogs but are toxic and can be deadly for cats. Remember to keep vases away from curious paws as well to avoid broken glass.

  • Watch the candles

Candles are a wonderful way to make an ordinary dinner feel special, but they can cause harm to your pets if not properly monitored. Make sure to put out all candles if you leave the room. Curious cats or interested dogs can easily burn themselves or start a fire by knocking over a candle with a flame.

  • Keep the wine for yourself!

While not every pet will be interested in that glass of red or white wine, some of our canine friends will eat or drink, well, pretty much anything. Alcohol is very dangerous for dogs and cats, so make sure you save that wine for just yourself and your partner!

  • Don’t let your pets chew any stuffed animals

Those cute little bears and other stuffed animals can also be hazardous to dogs and cats. Many of those adorable Valentine’s Day stuffed animals have small decorative pieces, such as buttons and those cute plastic eyes and noses, which could choke your pet.

  • Keep the candy and chocolate safe!

Sugar-free candies and gums often contain large amounts of xylitol which is a sweetener that is toxic to pets, especially dogs. If ingested, it may cause vomiting, loss of coordination, seizures, and in severe cases, liver failure. Chocolate as well should be one thing to avoid feeding your dogs this Valentines day. If you’re looking to treat them stick to pet friendly treats or deli meats.

  • Do find safe gifts to show your pet Valentine’s Day love!

Now that we’ve gone through all the don’ts, remember Valentine’s day is a great holiday to splurge on your pet. Get them a new collar, toys or pet insurance can all be great gifts for pets on Valentine’s Day. Also consider giving toys, bedding, food, or best of all a donation to an animal shelter or rescue group in your pet’s name.

This is by no means a complete list – there are many other foods that you should not let near your pet, there’s more information and guidance here.

Remember that some foods (for example cake) can include items that are dangerous.  So you do really need to be aware so you avoid a trip to the emergency vet!  Above all, we want you and your pets to enjoy this special day – so make sure you stick to pet safe treats or hide your treats safely away from prying paws and remember if your pet does manage to get his or her paws on any of the dangers above, sign up to get pet insurance to make sure you have your furry loved ones covered.