pet care

Pet fish see a rise in popularity

According to Animal Medicines Australia, fish ownership is on the rise with 11% of Australian households keeping pet fish. That’s a combined total of 11.3 million fish. Wow! But what’s the reason for this rise in the popularity of pet fish? PETstock Aquatic Specialist Kyri Pantelidis puts it down to Aussies' renewed interest in low-maintenance [...]

2022-01-28T15:11:09+11:00By |Tags: , |0 Comments

Diabetes in pets

Despite the fact there is little information on the prevalence of diabetes in pets in Australia, sources suggest it is a growing health problem. Indeed, Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine estimates that between 0.2 % and 1 % of cats will be diagnosed with diabetes during their lifetime. Meanwhile, Vet Source reveals it is [...]

Recognising and addressing anxiety in pets

“Anxiety can come in many different forms but generally means an animal is feeling or anticipating danger, even though no threat may be apparent at the time. It is important to be able to notice the signs of anxiety to then work towards helping your pet overcome this feeling,” advises Vet Nurse Dr Suead Zumut [...]

7 money-saving tips for pet owners

From vet bills and training treats to toys and grooming, if you’re not careful pet expenses can quickly add up. So, we've put together some top money-saving tips for thrifty pet parents. Certainly, our furry friends are well worth the money they cost. Heck, their unconditional love is priceless! Having said that, if you could [...]

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