Considering taking out pet insurance for an indoor cat? Wondering if it’s even worth it? Well, the short answer is yes. Here’s why…

Sure, your feline friend doesn’t venture outdoors much—other than with your supervision or on a leash. Yet, this doesn’t mean he or she can’t develop an illness or have an unexpected injury. This is precisely why pet insurance for an indoor cat is totally worth it—providing you take it out while your kitty is still fit and healthy.

Why pet insurance for an indoor cat is worthwhile

You can ask everyone you know and you’ll get a variety of opinions on whether pet insurance is worth it. Particularly, when talking pet insurance for an indoor cat. Certainly, this makes it extremely hard to make a final decision on whether you will or won’t take out an insurance plan.

However, don’t let the fact it’s a tricky decision put you off giving it an ample amount of thought and consideration. After all, this is the health and wellbeing of your purring pal we’re talking about!

Just like us humans, as cats age, they become more susceptible to developing an illness. So, assuming you take out insurance when your cat is young (before the age of eight or nine), you have peace of mind that if your cat becomes ill you will benefit from having pet insurance.

Common cat injuries

You can be forgiven for thinking pet insurance for an indoor cat is pointless. After all, the majority of the time your cat is safe and secure in the comfort of home, right?

Mmn, it seems not. The most common cat injuries can happen to indoor cats as well as outdoor cats. Take poisoning for example. There’s myriad toxic liquids and poisons in the home and not just the obvious ones like detergent, bleach and anti-freeze. Here’s a list of popular household pet poisons.

Who says a cat can’t sustain an insect bite or bee sting in the home? Despite our best efforts, bothersome insects make their way inside through open windows and doors. Yes, an outdoor cat might have a higher probability but nonetheless, indoor cats get bee stings.

Other common cat injuries that indoor cats are just as prone to include torn nails, heatstroke, eye problems and an infected tooth, as a result of tooth decay.

Still wondering if pet insurance for an indoor cat is necessary? Petsecure insurance plans allow you to choose from either an 85% or 75% benefit payment. To lower your premium you can choose the 75% option which is good if your pet is healthy and you are just looking for peace of mind!

Why not get a quick quote on pet insurance today?

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